Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Class Act

Via the Associated Press we learn, once again, that Sen. Obama is a member in good standing of the "Guns for me, none for thee" crowd.

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. — Who knew Secret Service agents were so handy for parents of elementary school kids?

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, taking questions from an Indiana crowd Saturday, called on a 5th grade teacher. Noting that his 10-year-old daughter, Malia, is starting the 5th grade, he asked: "Any tips? What should I be waiting around for?"

Someone called out, "boys."

"What!" Obama exclaimed in mock horror, as the audience laughed. "Hold on a sec. Maybe that home-schooling is all right. One reason I have to win here is so that I've got Secret Service around my girls at all times. They carry guns."

Malia might not be getting any play dates soon.

Obvioussly, he's making an 'overprotective father' joke with this statement, but all it does is remind me of the numerous times he has said that he'd either ban all guns, or just all handguns, or just ban them in urban centers. But as long as Malia and Sasha have armed bodyguards, who cares what happens to my daughter.

(PS: Love the little dig he worked in there bashing homeschooling. Stay classy, Sen. Obama.)

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